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ConcisionRun: The Ultimate Cheatsheet for Shadowrun 1st Edition (Core Rules Only)
By AstroMacGuffin dated Sun Sep 18 2022 11:17:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) last updated Mon Sep 19 2022 01:47:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)![ConcisionRun - helping you survive the mean streets since 2020](/static/img/mm/cyberpunk/streets-g234df07df_1280.jpg) I've been sick for a week, so here's a low-effort post spotlighting something I did years ago but am still proud of. I call it ["ConcisionRun" -- it's a concise rewrite of the rules for 1st Edition Shadowrun](/static/pdf/__ConcisionRun-0_1-(2022-09-18).pdf). It's been stuck at version 0.1 all its life, partly because I like conservative version numbers, and partly because I got it done in one big push and have barely made any revisions to it since. It's just 40 pages long, broken down as:
- 7 pages of core mechanics, game loop suggestions, and lore
- 4 pages for character creation
- 9 pages for combat including vehicle combat
- 12 pages for the magic chapter
- 7 pages explaining the matrix and decking rules
Features include:
- art from independent artists (used in accordance with their Creative Commons licenses)
- PDF bookmarks to help you find what you need
- searchable (obviously)
- core book page number references for anything omitted or benefitting from further explanation
- color coded per chapter
- table of contents at the beginning of each chapter
I've been told numerous times by members of the [Classic Shadowrun discord]( that it's helped people rope their friends into trying first edition Shadowrun. Of course, it's free, but you still need the core rules to play.